Week 1 : English Language Teaching In 21st Century based on Malaysia Education Blueprint

WEEK 1 :

English Language Teaching In  21st Century based on  Malaysia Education Blueprint

There are 11 shifts mentioned in Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013 - 2025:
1. Provide equal access to quality education of an international standard.
2. Ensure every child is proficient in Bahasa Malaysia and English language.
3. Develop values-driven Malaysians.
4. Transform teaching into the profession of choice.
5. Ensure high-performing school leaders in every school.
6. Empower JPNs, PPDs, and schools to customise solutions based on need.
7. Leverage ICT to scale up quality learning across Malaysia.
8. Transform ministry delivery capabilities and capacity.
9. Partner with parents, community, and private sector at scale.
10. Maximise student outcomes for every ringgit.
11. Increase transparency for direct public accountability.

However, in this article, I am going to elaborate on 2 important shifts that affect English Language Teaching (ELT) in 21st-century education. These shifts are; “Ensure every child is proficient in Bahasa Malaysia and English language” and “Leverage ICT to scale up quality learning across Malaysia”.

It is a must to all Malaysians to be fluent in Bahasa Malaysia since it is the mother tongue and identity of Malaysians. It is also an official language used by Malaysian government. For example, the official statements and letters by the government are written in Bahasa Malaysia. Aside from that, it is highly essential for every child to learn English as a lingua franca. Generally, English is used as the main medium of interaction by people across the globe. Nowadays, English becomes a requirement if someone wants to apply for a job at any institution. Therefore, it is important for every child in Malaysia to be proficient in these two languages.

When we mention about 21st-century education, its relation to the use of information and communications technology (ICT) is undeniable. Thus, the other shift which is “Leverage ICT to scale up quality learning across Malaysia” is considered as important to be carried out. In this century, information can be easily found at the tip of one’s finger. The use of ICT helped to make the teaching and learning session more interactive and interesting as students can watch the videos, play online quizzes and educational games, and others in the classroom. When the class is interesting, students will eventually become more motivated to learn the subject and this will lead to an improvement in their academic achievement. 

