Week 2: Teachers' Perceptions of E-Learning in Malaysian Secondary Schools

Why E-learning?

ARTICLE: Teachers’ Perceptions of E-Learning in Malaysian Secondary Schools

This article investigates teachers' preparation of E-learning in Malaysian secondary schools. In this study, teachers’ perceptions are studied based on the implementation of an online learning platform which is FROG VLE. A qualitative methodology is employed to identify the views and experiences of the implementation of FROG VLE among 60 secondary school teachers in three secondary schools in Malaysia.

The Frog Virtual Learning environment is recognized as a cloud-based learning environment that imitates the traditional face-to-face teaching and learning. It is the government’s initiative to leverage the usage of ICT in schools. FROG VLE comprises various features that assists the teachers in their teaching process. It supports e-learning activities and also provides a rich media environment with numerous graphics, video, animation, sound and hyperlinks. Besides, it also offers many benefits to teachers such as group chat and discussion, assignment submission and course assessment. Moreover, it is cost-saving and enhances teaching effectiveness. Overall, FROG VLE provides an abundance of educational resources and cool apps from around the web for easy accessibility during teaching and learning sessions.

This study conducted a qualitative methodology and the data were collected by using the open-ended questionnaire. The findings were divided into three sections based on three research questions. The first section is the benefits of teaching online for teachers and students. Most teachers mentioned FROG VLE has created great interests among students as well as easy access to abundance of materials and resources. Teachers also recognized that this online learning approach enables the student-centered learning compared to teacher-centered. In addition, many teachers stated that the FROG VLE makes their job easier than the traditional approach as it is easy to use, helps them to organize the teaching and learning materials, saves time and cost-saving in which they are not required to print or distribute handouts.
The second section is the barriers of teaching online. The barriers are viewed within and beyond the school. The lack of time of e-learning implementation, lack of technical support, low proficiency in English language, limited ICT skills, the large class size as well as slow internet connection are highlighted as the barriers within the school. Moreover, teachers also mentioned that beyond the schools, students would face difficulties as not all students have the computers and internet access at home.

The third section is the suggestions for improvement which are, more training and assistance in delivering the e-learning, providing and upgrading the facilities, conducting the awareness programs in regards with the e-learning initiatives and the FROG VLE’s relevance. In this study, the implications for teacher preparation, staff development and education reform are suggested in order to cater the issue.

Based on our perspectives, the researchers were able to explain comprehensively on this issue. They managed to point out the benefits, barriers and also improvements for this issue which are really important for the educators and the government to obtain the real situation of the implementation of FROG VLE in schools. This also may reflect the relevance and effectiveness of this online learning platform towards students’ performance at schools. The article is well written and it is a very interesting issue that can be used as the reference for other online learning platforms.

