Week 3: The Use of Technology in English Language Learning: A Literature Review

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ARTICLE: The Use of Technology in English Language Learning: A Literature Review

As I read along an article entitled ‘The Use of Technology in English Language Learning: A Literature Review’, I come across extensive benefits on the usage of technology in improving the English language skills. Today’s learning process has to cater to students need and there is no ‘one size fit all’ in education. It is mentioned in the theory of Multiple Intelligences theorized by Howard Gardner that differentiates each student learning abilities rather than dominated by a single general ability. The theory highlighted that there are eight ways that human perceive and understand the world such as linguistic, logical- mathematical, visual- spatial, kinaesthetic, auditory, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal. Gardner emphasized that instructional activities should meet the need of the different forms of intelligence and assessment of learning should measure multiple forms of intelligence. Thus, the use of technology could assist language learning in meeting the need of the different intelligences. In my opinion, technology provide benefits in the language learning as it enhance the language learning process, learners play an active role in the learning process and the effectiveness of technological tools in learning the lesson.
Utilizing technology in enhancing the language learning process is one of the ways on complementing the teaching method. Technology could facilitate teachers in delivering the lessons. As I attending the ICT for English Language Teaching class, I learnt about various platforms in delivering the lessons such as, the usage of Canva, Glogster to make an interactive poster of a lesson. Another platform also included Hot Potato which was introduced in the class. Hot Potato does posses varieties of assessment that could help teachers in arranging lesson materials.  From my point of view, these platforms surely assist the teachers in maximizing the language learning.
The usage of technology also makes learners play an active role in the learning process. In my opinion, the important part in the learning process is where learners are aware of their lessons and responsible in their learning process. For examples, language learners may explore on their own new knowledge related to their studies and share it with their friends.
Furthermore, the effectiveness of the technological tools in learning process make it easier for educators and students as it offer a faster and convenience way of learning. It prepares the students a wide range of information provided in the Internet and students also can learn at their own pace. For example, watching an online lesson video, where the students can pause and repeat if they need a clarification on certain facts and concepts.
In short, the usage of technology in language learning provides benefits to both educators and students. Technology enhances the language learning process, learners also play an active role in the learning process and the effectiveness of technological tools in learning the lesson despite the lack in the infrastructure and professional training among the educators.

