Week 13: ADDIE Model

The Design phase of ADDIE | Futuristic Playground

The diagram above illustrates the relationship of ADDIE model

Week 13:


ADDIE model is used for instructional design for courseware development. It consists of five elements. First is A: Analysis which includes the analysis about audience, instructional goals, tasks to be instructed and learning analysis. Second is D: Design, it is to plan a strategy for developing the instruction and how to reach the goals. For example, collecting materials, storyboard and flowchart. Third is D: Development that focuses on how to generate the lesson plan and lesson materials. For example, it comprises of how to develop the instruction, hands on and supporting documentation. Fourth is I: Implementation which is the actual delivery of instruction whether it is classroom-based, lab-based or computer-based. The implementation also includes the effective and efficient delivery of instruction, to promote students’ understanding of material, to support students’ mastery of objectives as well as the feedback. The fifth element is E: Evaluation which includes formative and summative evaluation as it is crucial to assess students’ understanding of the lesson.

In my opinion, this model is important as it assists the teachers and educators to create effective learning courses and trainings. It also provides structured design for the development of educational materials. Overall, ADDIE model is widely utilized due to its flexibility in developing a successful courseware.  

