Week 9: Internet Usage and Academic Performance: A Study in a Malaysian Public University

Mary Meeker's annual Internet Trends report shows web users ...


Internet Usage and Academic Performance: A Study in a Malaysian Public University

This article examined about the internet usage and academic performance in a Malaysian Public University. A cross sectional study was conducted to determine the relationship between Internet usage and academic performance of students. This study also investigated about students’ perception on how internet usage affects academic performance.

Internet is a large computer network that contains of several thousand interconnected networks serving a wide variety of services such as communications, file transfer protocols, database access and many others. The usage of internet in school campus and society has been increased and it becomes a significant part in student life. Teachers also use the internet to lay down their learning materials.

There are advantages and disadvantages of using Internet in education. The internet can improve students’ grades in their academic performance. Students utilize the internet for learning purposes such as obtaining course-related information, communications and finishing assignments. However, Internet would contribute to negative impacts on academic performance if the students are unable to control their internet use for social interaction and entertainment. The disadvantages of excessive usage of Internet includes students become addicted and thus, it can affect their academic performance negatively.

This study employed cross sectional study and the data was collected using the Internet Addiction Diagnostic Questionnaire (IADQ). This study was participated by 186 year-4 medical student of session 2011-2012. The instrument consists of eight-item questionnaire that investigate the symptoms of Internet addiction. After that, the respondents were given five decision scenarios that were developed to assess the perception of how internet usage affects academic performance.

This study found that high internet usage contributes to better academic results because students obtain opportunity to enter to the information world. There is no significant difference was detected between CGPA of dependent and non-dependent Internet users. In terms of students’ perception of how Internet affects academic performance, 64.4% respondents perceived that internet acts as supplement to the information given by the lectures.

In my opinion, the usage of Internet is important as it helps students to improve academic performance and can enhance the computer skills. It also prepares students to face the actual working environment which students need to be competent in using Internet and other online applications. It is in line with 21st century literacy as students must be proficient in using technology. However, the Internet should be used properly because the excessive usage can bring negative impacts to students’ academic performance and also their well-being.



